
In general, good candidates for a liposuction are individuals who have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone. Individauls who qualify for this procedure have isolated fatty deposits, but are not obese. A liposuction will sculpt the areas that need reshaping. If you are bothered by excess fat deposits located anywhere on your body that don’t respond to diet or exercise, liposuction may be right for you.

The most common areas that liposuction is performed are: abdomen, hips, outer and inner thighs, knees, arms, back, and neck.

Anesthesia may be regional (spinal) or intravenous sedation in combination with local anesthesia in the area being treated.

During recovery from liposuction, a compresssion garment is worn covering the treated areas to help control swelling and compress the skin to the new body contours. The garment should be worn 24/7 (excluding when showering) for 3 months following the procedure. In addition, temporary drains may be placed to remove any excess blood or fluid. Much of the swelling and bruising will go down after two weeks; however, some amount of swelling will persist for six to eight weeks following the procedure.

Usually within 4-5 months, as this is the approximate period of time required for healing to take place. The compression garment should be worn for 3 months following the procedure to aid in the recovery process by helping the swelling to subside.

The amount of skin flaccidity and the condition of the underlying abodominal muscles will determine if a patient is a candidate for soley liposuction or an abdominoplasty combined with liposuction. If a patient has gone through pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are often separated in a condition called diastasis recti and need to be sutured back together, which is done during an abdominoplasty. Also, if a patient has undergone significant fluctuatons in weight, an abdominoplasty may need to be performed to remove excess skin. In many of these cases, liposuction is performed on the back and flanks to improve the appearance of the midsection and waistline.

If you gain weight, the fat deposits will come back. Although adipose tissue usually takes longer to accumulate in areas from which it was suctioned, as the fat cells have been removed, fat deposits will to these areas if a patient is not dilligent with a healthy diet and exercise.

Yes, adipose tissue can be harvested and grafted for use in an autologous fat transfer to the buttocks (commonly known as a Brazilian butt lift, a.k.a. a BBL) or in other areas of the body, such as the face.

It all depends on the type of work you do and the physical effort your job requires. Usually, a patient can return to work 2-3 weeks following the procedure. We recommend you wait 2 months before doing any strenuous activities or exercise.

Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)

The amount of skin flaccidity and the condition of the underlying abodominal muscles will determine if a patient is a candidate for soley liposuction or an abdominoplasty combined with liposuction. If a patient has gone through pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are often separated in a condition called diastasis recti and need to be sutured back together, which is done during an abdominoplasty. Also, if a patient has undergone significant fluctuatons in weight, an abdominoplasty may need to be performed to remove excess skin. In many of these cases, liposuction is performed on the back and flanks to improve the appearance of the midsection and waistline.

In general, good candidates for a tummy tuck are individuals with a BMI of 33 or less who have excess skin flaccidity in the abdominal region due to significant fluctuations in weight and/or stretched abdominal muscles (a condition known as diastasis recti) from pregnancy.

A tummy tuck eliminates excess skin located between the pubis and belly button. It also tightens the abdominal muscles in cases of diastasis recti when they have been separated due to pregnancy.

Stretch marks located between the pubis and belly button are removed during the excision of the skin in this area. As the skin above the belly button is stretched downward, those that are located in this area will have a lower placement than before but will remain.

The incision is made as low and as short as possible. It is located along the bikini line. There is also a small incision around the belly button. In the beginning, the scars are thin red lines. They may take up to 2 years to fully heal and become a similar tone to that of your skin.

The C-section scar is replaced with the tummy tuck scar. If the other scars are located on the abdomen below the belly button, they may be removed as well.

Liposuction is often performed on the back and flanks to improve the appearance of the midsection and waistline. Liposuction is not performed on the abdomen at the time of the tummy tuck procedure, but can often be performed in a subsequent surgery.

Anesthesia may be general, regional (spinal), and/or intravenous sedation in combination with local anesthesia in the area being treated.

The full recovery for a tummy tuck is approximately 3 months. The compression garment must be worn 24/7 for 6 weeks following surgery. Patients must avoid lifting object over 5 lbs. during this time period. Patients should abstain from strenuous activities and exercise for 2 months post-surgery.

Final results can usually be seen within 4-6 months following the procedure, as this time that is required for healing to take place and swelling to subside. The compression garment should be used 24/7 for 6 weeks to help the swelling come down faster.

It all depends on the type of work you do and the physical effort your job requires. Usually, a patient can return to work 2-3 weeks following the procedure. We recommend you wait 2 months before doing any strenuous activities or exercise.

A seroma is a collection of serum (also known as lymph fluid) within a cavity inside the body. Serum is the yellowish liquid portion of blood that remains after the red blood cells (which transport oxygen to the body’s tissues) and white blood cells (which fight infections) have been removed. A seroma can occur after liposuction or a tummy tuck. It is generally not considered a serious complication. Without treatment, a seroma will usually dissolve slowly over the period of several weeks to six months. To accelerate the process, a needle may be inesterted to drain the seroma into a syringe.


A consultation is needed to determined the procedure or combination of procedures that would create the best results in your case. Typically, if your nipples are below the infra-mammary fold (where your breast joins your chest skin), a lift is needed. If you do not have a lot of breast tissue, you may be a candidate for a breast lift with implants. Patients who have large breasts, and hence a large amount of breast tissue, may opt for a breast lift and reduction without the use of implants. Patients who have small breasts, and hence a small amount of breast tissue, are often candidates for breast augmentation with implants.

A breast lift can be acheived through a variety of incision patterns. Three of the more common incision patterns include: anchor, lollipop and donut. An anchor incision goes around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease as well as horizontally along the breast crease. A lollipop incision goes around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease. A donut incision simply goes around the areola. The appropriate technique for you will be determined based upon: your breast size and shape; the size and position of your areolas; the degree of breast sagging; as well as the amount of excess skin to be removed and the quality of skin elasticity.

A full breast lift using the anchor incision pattern (also referred to as an inverted “T” incision) is performed for patients whose breasts sag excessively. This incision technique provides greater access to tissue and skin in the area, allowing for an extensive reshaping and lift.

Anesthesia may be general, regional (spinal), and/or intravenous sedation in combination with local anesthesia in the area being treated.

Recovery from breast surgery depends on a number of factors including the location of the implant (submusclar or subglandular placement), how extensive is the reduction, etc. In general, recovery takes about 2 to 3 weeks regarding pain and discomfort. Patients should refrain from heavy lifting for anything over 5 lbs. for 6 weeks following the procecure and vigorous activity and exercise for 2 months. This is designed to prevent additional swelling or the pooling of fluids during the recovery process.

It all depends on the type of work you do and the physical effort your job requires. Usually, a patient can return to work 2-3 weeks following the procedure. We recommend you wait 2 months before doing any strenuous activities or exercise.

Facelift and Eyelid Surgery

A facelift is a procedure that imporves the signs of aging in the neck and face. It is used to treat issues such as loose skin and excess fat in the neck that can appear as a double chin or “turkey neck,” the relaxation of facial skin that causes sagging, the deepening of fold lines between the nose and the corner of the mouth, adipose tissue that has fallen or disappeared, and jowls developing in the cheeks and jaw. A well-executed surgery repositions the tissues in their origial position, avoiding a “stretched” and artificial appearance.

There are various rhytidectomy techniques, and depending upon the patient’s individual case, the procedure is usually performed via incisions that start in the temple region, descending along the natural folds in front of the ear, and continuing behind the ear to the scalp.

During a blepharoplasty, an incision is made along the fold of the upper eyelid, removing excess skin, muscle and possibly fat. On the lower lid, an incision is made just below the lashes in the eye’s natural crease or inside the lower lid. Excess fat, muscle and sagging skin are then removed or redistribuited. The scars tend to be imperceptible after a few months.

Anesthesia may be general or intravenous sedation in combination with local anesthesia in the area being treated.

Patients undergoing a facelift should rest for 2 weeks following the procedure. A compression face wrap should be worn 24/7 for the first week post-surgery. Patients should sleep on their backside (face up) with their head elevated for 4 weeks. Strenuous activity and exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks following surgery. Avoid lifting anything anything over 5 lbs. during this period.

Patiens undergoing blepharoplasty should rest for 5 days following the procedure, always keeping their head elevated. It is important to keep cold compresses on the eyes for 48 hours after surgery. This can be done with cold wash cloths and a basin of ice water. Do not use an ice bag. Wash cloths should be changed every 40 minutes through the first night to keep them moist and cool. During the first few days, there may be lacrimaiton, discomfort around the eyes, a sensation of light birning visual obscuration. These symptoms are normal and can be alleviated with the use of appropriate eye drops. Patients should sleep on their backside (face up) woth their head elevated for 2 weeks following surgery. Strenuous activity and exercise should be avoided for 1 month.

Concerning a facelift, it all depends on the type of work you do and the physical effort your job requires. Usually, a patient can return to work 2-3 weeks following the procedure. We recommend you wait 2 months before doing any strenuous activities or exercise.

For a blepharopasty alone, a patient can typically return to work 1 week following the procedure. We recommend you wait 1 month before doing any strenuous activities or exercise.


Rhinplasty is performed either using a closed procedure—where incisions are hidden inside the nose—or an open procedure, where an incision is made across the columella—the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. Through these incisions, the skin that covers the nasal bones and cartilages is gently raised, allowing access to reshape the structure of the nose. The determination for incision placement is based upon the type of nasal reshaping being performed.

Anesthesia may be general or intravenous sedation in combination with local anesthesia in the area being treated.

Patients should rest for 1 week following the procedure, keeping the head elevated. During the first few days, a diet of cold, soft foods is recommeded to facilitate chewing. The stitches along the columella are removed after 7 days. It is not necessary to remove the stitches along the incision inside the nose as they are absorbable. The dressing is usually removed after 7 days, and it may be necessary to use a bandage dressing for an additional week. Patients should sleep on their backside (face up) with their head elevated for 2 weeks following surgery. Strenuous activity and exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks.

It all depends on the type of work you do and the physical effort your job requires. Usually, a patient can return to work 1 week following the procedure. We recommend you wait 6 weeks before doing any strenuous activities or exercise.